Monday, November 10, 2008


Okay - before we start I want to lay out two expectations. First, one point of this blog is to practice writing, so please write with capitalization, punctuation, etc. Check your work before you publish it and don't embarrass yourself. Second, Since this is your classwork for today, this post should be much longer than your others (well.....except maybe for Katherine). Surprise me with your lengthy, thoughtful writing!

Today I want you to write a story. Be creative - this story can be about anything, but it has to be a good story. Include lots of sensory details and description. Think about your genre. Is this a mystery or a love story? A tragedy or a memoir? It can be anything, but it should fall within a specific genre. Don't tell me what the genre is, but think about it as before you write.

I'll write my story later; have fun writing yours.