Monday, September 29, 2008

i can't stand....

What can't you stand - about yourself? In other words, what's the one thing you wish you could change.

The whole reason I write this question is that I hate that I have SUCH a hard time keeping routines. I'm great at big projects, throwing parties and pulling off impossible tasks. However, when it comes to the little routines, I stink. Every time. This blog is one of those examples. Why is it so hard for me to stay in the routine of writing? Working out is another tough one. I'll do great - for a week. Then I'll do nothing and be lazy for two months before I can get back at it. AHHHH!!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

one random question....

#1. If you could have dinner with any three people, living or dead, who would they be? Why? Oh, and Jesus can't be one of them; he's already invited!

Mike asked me this first question on our first date.....we had some of the same answers! Anyways, first I would invite my Grandpa Bishop, my mom's dad. He died just after my parents were married, a few years before I was born. It's wierd that there is this person from whom I must have inherited traits, physical or personal, and I don't even know him. I would love to talk with him and get to know him. I would also invite Martin Luther King Jr. I really would. I think part of me would love just to hear his voice in person - that great "I have been to the mountain" voice. Finally, I would invite Paul, as in the apostle Paul. I think he must have been a fiery man - full of passion and power. I would love to hear what he has to say about the world today and the church.

How about you?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

give me a glimpse

What is life like at home? I know all of your families - probably better than most teachers, but there is something about people's homes that only they can know, only they can understand. Give me a glimpse of your house on a normal weekday evening. Where is everyone? What are the lights like? What are the noises? Do you like it? Do you wish it was different?

Mike and I are sitting in our living room. He's grading; I'm - well right now I'm writing this blog. But usually I am reading about something online. Politics, cooking, my friends' pictures. We came in here to relax after we watered the garden and finished the dishes. Sounds exciting right?

I like the light in our living room at night. It makes the red walls kind of glow, and it feels warm. You can hear everyone outside. Some are talking as they walk past our house. A kid down the street is getting yelled at. I guess I'm just thankful that fireworks season has passed. They still make me jump sometimes.